

BMB Reports

Stem Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicle Therapy for Stroke and Neurodegenerative Disease

  • 작성자

    Oh Young Bang
  • 작성일자

  • 조회수

Name: Oh Young Bang ( ohyoung.bang@samsung.com )
2010 - present Director, Translational and Stem Cell Research Laboratory on Stroke, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
2011 - present Professor, Samsung Advanced Institute of Health Sciences & Technology (SAIHST), Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2014 - present Professor, Dept. of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2016 - present Professor, Department of Digital Health, SAIHST, Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2019 - present CEO, S&E Bio. Inc

Stem Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicle Therapy for Stroke and Neurodegenerative Disease

Stem cell-based therapy is a promising approach for treating stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Stem cells such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) secrete extracellular vesicles (EVs), which harbor several therapeutic molecules such as proteins and microRNAs. Recently, many preclinical studies have shown that stem cell-derived EVs can be used in treatment of stroke and neurodegenerative diseases as an alternative approach to stem cell application. This review presents the evidence regarding the role of EVs in acute and degenerative neurological diseases. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of EVs therapy compared to other strategies are discussed. We also discuss the strategies to enhance efficacy of EV therapeutics. Lastly, major issues are discussed together with relevant advances in the clinical application of EV therapeutics.