


8-Oxoguanine: from oxidative damage to epigenetic and epitranscriptional modification

  • 작성자

    Sung Wook Chi
  • 작성일자

  • 조회수

Sung Wook Chi( chi13@korea.ac.kr )
2021-present Professor, Division of Life Sciences, Korea University, South Korea
2015-2021 Associate Professor, Division of Life Sciences, Korea University, South Korea
2011-2015 Assistant Professor, Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
2010-2011 Post-doc, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
2003-2010 PhD, Tri-institutional Program in Computational Biology and Medicine, Rockefeller University, USA
1999-2010 MS, Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University, South Korea
1995-1999 BS, Division of Life Sciences, Korea University, South Korea

8-Oxoguanine: from oxidative damage to epigenetic and epitranscriptional modification

In pathophysiology, reactive oxygen species control diverse cellular phenotypes by oxidizing biomolecules. Among these, the guanine base in nucleic acids is the most vulnerable to producing 8-oxoguanine, which can pair with adenine. Because of this feature, 8-oxoguanine in DNA (8-oxo-dG) induces a G > T (C > A) mutation in cancers, which can be deleterious and thus actively repaired by DNA repair pathways. 8-Oxoguanine in RNA (o8G) causes problems in aberrant quality and translational fidelity, thereby it is subjected to the RNA decay pathway. In addition to oxidative damage, 8-oxo-dG serves as an epigenetic modification that affects transcriptional regulatory elements and other epigenetic modifications. With the ability of o8G•A in base pairing, o8G alters structural and functional RNA–RNA interactions, enabling redirection of posttranscriptional regulation. Here, we address the production, regulation, and function of 8-oxo-dG and o8G under oxidative stress. Primarily, we focus on the epigenetic and epitranscriptional roles of 8-oxoguanine, which highlights the significance of oxidative modification in redox-mediated control of gene expression.

Exp Mol Med. 2022 Oct 21;54,16626-1642 doi: 10.1038/s12276-022-00822-z