

국내외 학술대회

FAOBMB Special Travel Fellowships for the FAOBMB-ConBio2017 Conference in Japan, December 2017

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FAOBMB Special Travel Fellowships for the FAOBMB-ConBio2017 Conference in Japan, December 2017

FAOBMB Travel Fellowships will be awarded for the 26th FAOBMB Conference (ConBio2017) to be held in Kobe, Japan, during 6-9 December, 2017.

Applications for these fellowships are now invited from well qualified Graduate students/postdoctoral fellows/early career Biochemists and/or Molecular Biologists, from the FAOBMB region and not more than 40 years of age at the date of the application deadline (31 July 2017).

Detailed Guidelines and the Application Forms can be found on the following section of the FAOBMB webpage:


Successful applicants for these Fellowships in 2017 will each be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation on their research work in a session of the 26th FAOBMB Conference to be held in Kobe in December 2017. 

Applications close on 31 July 2017