


Mesocorticolimbic circuit mechanisms of social dominance behavior

  • 작성자

    Tae-Yong Choi
  • 작성일자

  • 조회수

Tae-Yong Choi ( tychoi5667@gmail.com )
2023-presentResearcher, Emotion, Cognition and Behavior Research Group, Korea Brain Research Institute, South Korea
2017-2022Postdoctoral Researcher, Emotion, Cognition and Behavior Research Group, Korea Brain Research Institute, South Korea
2009-2016MS & PhD, Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Seoul National University, South Korea
2003-2008BS, Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Mesocorticolimbic circuit mechanisms of social dominance behavior

Social animals, including rodents, primates, and humans, partake in competition for finite resources, thereby establishing social hierarchies wherein an individual’s social standing influences diverse behaviors. Understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of social dominance is imperative, given its ramifications for health, survival, and reproduction. Social dominance behavior comprises several facets, including social recognition, social decision-making, and actions, indicating the concerted involvement of multiple brain regions in orchestrating this behavior. While extensive research has been dedicated to elucidating the neurobiology of social interaction, recent studies have increasingly delved into adverse social behaviors such as social competition and hierarchy. This review focuses on the latest advancements in comprehending the mechanisms of the mesocorticolimbic circuit governing social dominance, with a specific focus on rodent studies, elucidating the intricate dynamics of social hierarchies and their implications for individual well-being and adaptation.

Exp Mol Med. 2024 Sep 02;56(9):1889-1899. doi: 10.1038/s12276-024-01299-8.