

As the academic society with the longest history in Korean biochemistry, the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology aims to promote the advancement of science and technology as well as the improvement of human health by contributing to the academic development and distribution of biochemistry and molecular biology.

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KSBMB Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

As the academic society with the longest history in Korean biochemistry, the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology aims to promote the advancement of science and technology as well as the improvement of human health by contributing to the academic development and distribution of biochemistry and molecular biology.

The Society was founded as ‘The Korean Biochemical Society’ in 1948. In 1995, it was renamed to ‘The Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’ to keep pace with changes in the academic development of the times. In January 2010, The Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the two largest societies in biochemistry and molecular biology in Korea, consolidated under the name of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in January 2010.

As the largest academic society currently, with 12 thousand members in the associated biosectors, the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology holds academic conferences more than 5 times a year and issues 3 journals and webzines. In addition, the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has won the medical grand award from the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 4 times, winning the award for 3 consecutive years between 2007 and 2009. It is positioned as a representative society leading the Korean biosectors.

‘Experimental and Molecular Medicine (EMM)’, the international journal of the Society, is the first biomedical science journal in Korea and was selected as an excellent international journal by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and the National Research Foundation of Korea. The journal was evaluated and accepted for coverage in the Web of Science (Science Citation Index; SCI) by the Institute for Science Information (ISI) in 2002. In addition, EMM joined the Nature Publishing Group in 2013 and became a global journal.

As a Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) covered journal, ‘Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Reports (BMB Reports)’ is being issued in a new journal format with short reports and delivers new scientific findings and knowledge to readers in a fast and timely manner. BMB Reports is the first to adopt the new journal format in Asia.

For international academic exchange, the Society officially joined the Federation of Asia and Oceania Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) in 1973 and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) in 1982. The Society promoted the globalization of Korean life sciences by inviting the 5th FAOB Congress to Seoul in 1989 and successfully hosted the IUBMB Seoul Conference with the theme of Molecular & Cellular Networks in 1999 as well as the FAOBMB Conference in Seoul in 2007. The 24th IUBMB & The 15th FAOBMB Congress was held in Seoul to provide opportunities for research-related exchanges between biochemistry and molecular biologists around the world and domestic researchers, contributing to the development of global biochemistry and molecular biology.

In addition, since 2005, the Society has held life science forums for the public to transmit life science information to the public. It has participated in the science and technology EXPO since 2002 to assist the career development of students in science and engineering. The Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology continues to work to raise public awareness of the life sciences.

Welcome Remark

Dear members of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

It is my great honor to serve as the President of KSBMB for the year 2024.

Since its founding in 1948, the KSBMB has been steadily growing in various academic and social roles over the past 76 years, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our past presidents, steering committee members, 19,000 members, and various partners. In fact, we have been building strong international partnerships through the election of the FAOBMB president, hosting the FAOBMB conference in 2025, successfully hosting the IUBMB congress in 2018, and holding joint symposia with global members. In particular, our journal, EMM, has become one of the top journals in the field of molecular medicine worldwide, and BMB Reports has become an exemplary professional journal. Indeed, I believe that the verse from the Song of Songs, "A tree with deep roots is not shaken by the wind, and its blossoms are good and its fruits are many~" sums up our Society's deep and accumulated experience and member-centered operation. In order to achieve the continuous growth of the Society together with the members who love the Society, I would like to promote the main projects of the Society in 2024 with the following in mind.

1. A Society that Participates Together

We will do our best to ensure that the Society continues to grow as a leading and exemplary life science professional organization both domestically and internationally. To this end, we will organize a variety of academic events and educational training courses for our members and our partners to participate in, including a balanced and up-to-date selection of topics, inviting outstanding international speakers, and presenting and exchanging the research results of our members. In addition, we will expand our international cooperation with members in the ASEAN and Oceania regions to ensure the successful hosting of the FAOBMB Congress in 2025, and establish efficient support and promotion measures for the continued growth of our proud journals, EMM and BMB Reports.

2. Member-centered Society Management

We will build a 'One Team for KSBMB' that utilizes the characteristics and strengths of our members' generations, genders, regions, and institutions and combines the passion and challenging spirit of our members. To this end, we have already announced the composition of the 2024 steering committee to regular members so that many members can actually participate in the management of the 2024 year society. We will also continue to promote and reward members for their academic and social service achievements to inspire their pride.

3. A Society of Values

We will continue to fulfill the social role of the Society by providing an online academic exchange system based on the expertise of our members and supplementing online educational contents such as the mobile biochemistry encyclopedia. In addition, we will cooperate with relevant government agencies, major affiliated societies, and the Society's partners to establish and support science and technology policies that reflect the major research needs of our members and society, and efficiently share the information generated through these policies with our members and partners.

In order to successfully carry out the above projects, I, the steering committee members, and the secretariat pledge to sincerely carry out the activities and services of the society so that the society can continue to grow in the spirit of 'One Team for KSBMB' and look forward to the continued interest and support of members and industry-academia partners.

Thank you.

President of the Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society 2024
Ho Jeong KWON

Dear Esteemed Members of KSBMB,

Greetings, this is Young-Joon Kim, the newly appointed president of KSBMB. I am greatly honored to start 2023 together with KSBMB after the unprecedented difficult times. Last year, we overcame COVID and hosted academic events successfully thanks to our former president's and committee members' efforts. As a result, KSBMB has grown into an institute representing the national bioscience community. Moreover, after the successful hosting of several international congresses, KSBMB is recognized as a global leader and significant collaboration partner in the Asian bioscience area. Additionally, our journals have shown academic excellence in which our EMM became one of the top journals in molecular biomedicine for the first time in Korean science journal history. The BMB report also surpassed the impact factor of 5. To extend the KSBMB’s excellence, we will pursue the businesses below as the critical agenda in 2023.

First, we will focus on society’s fundamentals, supporting the members’ academic success and participation. We will strengthen our support in educational presentations and interactions. Secondly, we will provide diverse academic programs for introducing new and advanced technology and increase the public’s interest in bioscience. Thirdly, we will create a place of exchange that will increase interaction between academia and industry to grow together by strengthening the Industry-University committee. Fourthly, we will open channels for our members to familiarize the directions of government policy and encourage our members’ opinions to be represented in these policies. Lastly, we will increase support in our journals to give our members’ work be recognized without unnecessary difficulties.

For these five core businesses to succeed, I, the committee members, and the organizational office promise to work for KSBMB with our hearts and request the KSBMB member’s attention and help. As we have come through the dark era with COVID, which we have never experienced, we would also overcome our forecasting days of economic decline. We are grateful for all those who support and love KSBMB and hope for the best to enjoy the new start.

Thank you.

Young-Joon Kim
President of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2023

Dear Esteemed Members of KSBMB,

2021 was a year that started with the anticipation of the end of COVID-19, but now that it ends with COVID-19 are you all at peace? I would like to express my gratitude to the society-related companies and organizations who provided timely help and support to society.

Despite the difficult circumstances of the 4th COVID-19 wave, in 2021, with the dedication of all the executives led by the Chairman and the Steering Committee, and cooperation of all the members, the offline-focused International Conference was successfully completed.

The 2022 International Conference on KSBMB will be held from May 23 (Mon) to 26 (Thu) at BEXCO in Haeundae, Busan. The main theme of the conference will be “Over the Pandemic: Academy, Technology & Industry”. The COVID-19 situation could enter a pandemic period as the quarantine system is changed to one of phased recovery of daily life in Korea considering the worldwide increase in the number of COVID-19 patients. Keeping that in mind, we plan to conduct the conference offline to maximize its effect.

Our society is the largest in Korea with more than 17,000 members both in name and reality and has a history and tradition of more than 70 years. 11 years after the integration of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the society continues to develop into a global one. In the case of two journals, EMM (IF: 8.718), which has been making remarkable progress since joining the NPG, and BMB Reports (IF: 4.778) in short communication format, the citation index increases every year and will be particularly noteworthy in 2022.

As I said in the statement of candidacy, the demand for translational research in the field of life sciences is increasing significantly in recent years along with diversity. We will lay the foundation for the development of the field of biochemical and molecular biology with the help of various experts by utilizing the purpose of integrating society. In addition to various academic activities, fostering next-generation leaders, and popularizing science and culture, we will strive to build a system that can suggest policy alternatives to the government by reflecting on expert opinions, centering on the newly established policy committee.

Under the rapidly changing pandemic environment, we will do our best to become a society that develops steadily while making the living of the society more substantial. To that end, we ask for support from all members of society.

Thank you.

Jong-Hoon Park
President of the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2022

The History of KSBMB

The Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


  • 2009.03.

    Received the 2009 medical grand award from the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences

  • 2008.03.

    Received the 2008 medical grand award from the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences

  • 2007.03.

    Received the 2007 medical grand award from the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences

  • 2006.07.

    EMM’s Impact Factor surpassed 2.0 for the first time among Korean journals.

  • 2005.07.

    EMM’s Impact Factor of 1.712 ranks it 1st among Korean journals according to the 2005 Journal Citation Reports®

  • 2005.02.

    Increased issuing frequency from 6 times to 4 times a year for the Korean newsletter, “Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News”

  • 2004.02.

    Renamed the Korean newsletter “Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News” to “Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News”

  • 2003.02.

    Increased issuing frequency from 4 times to 6 times a year for the “Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News”, a Korean newsletter

  • 2002.10.

    Celebrated the acceptance of EMM for coverage in Web of Science (Science Citation Index; SCI) by the Institute for Science Information (ISI)

  • 2002.07.

    EMM’s Impact Factor of 1.653 ranks it 1st among Korean journals according to the 2002 Journal Citation Reports®

  • 2002.03.

    Selected as an excellent society by the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences, winning the award of excellence.

  • 2002.02.

    “Experimental and Molecular Medicine” was registered with SCI, with an increase in issuing frequency from 4 times to 6 times a year

  • 2001.12.

    “Experimental and Molecular Medicine” was awarded the “Excellent International Journal” award by the National Research Foundation of Korea.

  • 2001.04.

    “Experimental and Molecular Medicine” (EMM) was awarded the “Excellent International Journal” award by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies.

  • 2001.03.

    Opened the 1st Training Course Issued “the Society’s 50-year history”


  • 1999.10.

    Held joint 6th IUBMB international conference with Biochemical Society of Korea

  • 1998.10.

    Commemorated 50th anniversary

  • 1998.05.

    Held joint conference with the Korean Association for the Study of the Liver

  • 1998.03.

    Selected as an excellent society by the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences, winning the award of excellence Started issuing the “Trends in Medical Research”

  • 1998.02.

    Issued the 5th edition of “Experimental Biochemistry”

  • 1997.10.

    Held joint conference with the Biochemical Society of Korea

  • 1997.06.

    Held joint conference with the Korea BRM Society

  • 1997.05.

    Acquired the approval to establish “ the incorporated association, The Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”

  • 1997.01.

    Decreased issuing frequency from 6 times to 4 times a year for the “Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News”

  • 1996.03.

    Renamed the "Korean Journal of Biochemistry" to "Experimental and Molecular Medicine"

  • 1996.01.

    Increased issuing frequency from 4 times to 6 times a year for the “Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News”

  • 1995.08.

    Relocated the office to Room No. 812 of The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies

  • 1995.01.

    Renamed the “The Korean Biochemical Society” to “The Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”

  • 1994.10.

    Started issuing the “Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News"

  • 1994.07.

    Started holding summer academic conferences

  • 1994.01.

    Increased issuing frequency from twice to 4 times a year for the "Korean Journal of Biochemistry”

  • 1990.01.

    Renamed “Biochemical Practice” to “Experimental Biochemistry”


  • 1988.09.

    Commemorated 40th anniversary

  • 1986.01.

    Issued the 4th edition of “Biochemical Practice”

  • 1985.04.

    Started holding spring academic conferences

  • 1981.01.

    Issued the 3rd edition of “Biochemical Practice”


  • 1978.10.

    Commemorated the 30th anniversary

  • 1975.06.

    Started issuing the English edition of “The Korean Journal of Biochemistry" with the closure of the Korean edition.

  • 1973.10.

    Renamed “Biochemistry Reality” to “Biochemical Practice” and issued the 2nd edition

  • 1972.10.

    Independently held periodical academic conferences


  • 1968.11.

    Held joint conference with the Biochemical Society of Korea (1968 through 1971)

  • 1966.09.

    Registered as an official member society of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
    Registered as an official member society of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences

  • 1965.01.

    Started issuing the "Biochemistry Reality"

  • 1964.05.

    Started issuing the “Korean Journal of Biochemistry - the periodical of The Korean Biochemical Society "

  • 1960.11.

    Independently held periodical academic conferences (1960 through 1967)


  • 1948.06.

    The Korean Biochemical Society was founded

  • 1947.05.

    Hosted the Biochemical Section Conference at the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Academic Conference (1947 through 1959)

  • 1940.05.

    Started as one of the affiliated academic societies of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences

Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


  • 2008.01.

    Renamed the academic journal to “BMB Reports”

  • 2007.05.

    Held the 19th FAOBMB Conference

  • 2005.11.

    Established the Jeju Branch

  • 2005.05.

    Held a Public Lecture for Young Students

  • 2003.01.

    Renamed the Society to the “Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”

  • 2002.08.

    Participated in the Science & Technology EXPO to Guide the Youth in Majoring and Career Pursuing
    Registered with the National Research Foundation of Korea as an academic journal

  • 2002.07.

    Registered with the MEDLINE/PubMed™ Index, Medicus

  • 2000.07.

    Implemented the e-mail submission system for JBMB papers


  • 1999.10.

    Held the 6th IUBMB Seoul Conference

  • 1998.01.

    Held the 1st Bomun Excellent Science & Technology

  • 1996.02.

    Launched the website (www.biochem.or.kr)

  • 1995.01.

    Included in the Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index
    Included in the Science Citation Index Expanded™
    Registered with the Research Alert
    Renamed the Journal “Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology”

  • 1992.10.

    Issued “the 25-years history of the Biochemical Society of Korea”

  • 1990.11.

    Implemented the system of electing Director, Vice-President and Secretary-General through a direct secret ballot

  • 1990.07

    Held the 1st Industry-Academic Symposium & Lecture


  • 1989.08.

    Held the 5th FAOB Congress

  • 1988.06.

    Held the 1st Sorak Conference

  • 1987.11.

    Held the 30th academic conference & general assembly and an academic conference commemorating the 20th year anniversary

  • 1987.05

    Implemented the Poster Presentation System

  • 1987.11.03

    Received approval to establish an incorporated association

  • 1985.09.

    Received the “JoongAng Cultural Grand Award” from the JoongAng Daily

  • 1984.05.

    Established the Honam Branch

  • 1984.04

    Established the Gangwon Branch

  • 1983.06.

    Established the Youngnam Branch

  • 1982.02.

    Joined the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB)
    Issued the 1st edition of Biochemistry News

  • 1981.01.

    Implemented a system of responsibility management by the Secretary-General


  • 1973.07.

    Joined the Federation of Asia and Oceania Biochemists (FAOB)
    Issued Experimental Biochemistry


  • 1968.11.

    Held the 1st academic conference & general assembly

  • 1968.06

    Issued the 1st edition of The Korean Biochemical Journal

  • 1967.08.

    Held International Biochemistry Conference to commemorate the foundation of the Biochemical Society of Korea
    Meeting of initiators and inaugural general meeting for the Biochemical Society of Korea

Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


  • 2023.12.20.

    Received the President of KOFST award

  • 2021.11.

    Attracted the 31th FAOBMB Conference which will be held in 2025

  • 2020.09.

    Revised the Society’s website



  • 2019.12.

    Received the Minister of Science and ICT award

  • 2018.06.

    Held The 24th IUBMB Congress & The 15th FAOBMB Congress

  • 2018.01.

    Received the Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) – ElSEVIER SCOPUS JOURNAL AWARD

  • 2017.01.

    Received the Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) – ElSEVIER SCOPUS JOURNAL AWARD

  • 2016.01.

    Received the BMB Reports – ElSEVIER SCOPUS JOURNAL AWARD

  • 2015.03.

    Revised the Society’s website

  • 2013.01.

    Joined the Nature Publishing Group of the Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM)

  • 2012.09.

    Attracted the 24th IUBMB and 15th FAOBMB Congress which will be held in 2018

  • 2012.08.

    Received the Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM)-ELSEVIER SCOPUS JOURNAL AWARD

  • 2011.11.

    Held EMB 2011 (Education of Medical Biochemistry 2011)

  • 2010.01.

    Held the 1st Winter Workshop
    Launched the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Organization chart


2024 President HoJeong Kwon Yonsei University
2024 Vice President Young-Guen Kwon Yonsei University
2024 Vice President Woong-Yang Park Samsung Medical Center
2024 Vice President Hyunsung Park University of Seoul
2024 Vice President Hyohyeon Baek SHIMADZU Scientific Korea
2024 Vice President Soojin Seok Thermo Fisher Scientific
2024 Vice President Jin Han Inje University
2024DirectorHoJeong KwonYonsei University
2024DirectorYoung-Joon Kim Yonsei University
2024DirectorBong-Kiun KaangIBS
2024DirectorYoung YangSookmyung Women's University
2024-2026DirectorJong-Il KimSeoul National University College of Medicine
2024-2026DirectorWoong-Yang ParkSamsung Medical Center
2024-2026DirectorJe Kyung SeongSeoul National University
2024-2026DirectorHong-Duk Youn Seoul National University College of Medicine
2023-2025DirectorJae-woo KimYonsei University College of Medicine
2023-2025DirectorJong-il ParkChungnam National University
2023-2025DirectorJang-Soo ChunGIST
2023-2025DirectorJee-Yeong JeongKosin University College of Medicine
2022-2024DirectorAree MoonDuksung Women University
2022-2024DirectorDo Sik MinYonsei University
2022-2024DirectorByung-Hyun ParkChonbuk National University Medical School
2022-2024DirectorByungheon LeeKuyngpook National Uinversity
2023-2024AuditYoung-Guen KwonYonsei University
2024-2025AuditSeung-Taek LeeLepiDYNE
2024Chair of Education CommitteeKyung-sik YoonKyung Hee University
2021-2024Chair of International Affairs CommitteeJoon KimKorea University
2021-2024Vice Chair of International Affairs CommitteeHyunsook LeeSeoul National University
2024Chair of Fund CommitteeKwang-Lae HoeChungnam National University
2024Chair of Winter Workshop CommitteeTae Jun ParkAjou University School of Medicine
2024Chair of Donghun Award CommitteeHoJeong KwonYonsei University
2024Chair of Moosa Award CommitteeKwang Jin BaekChung-Ang University College of Medicine
2024Chair of Bomun Symposium CommitteeWoochul ChangPusan National University
2024Chair of Education-Industry Cooperation CommitteeHyohyeon BaekSHIMADZU Scientific Korea
2024Chair of Election CommitteeJeong-Hyung LeeKangwon National University
2024Chair of Sorak Conference CommitteeSeung-Wook ChiKRIBB
2024Executive Editor of KSBMB NEWSYoung YangSookmyung Women's University
2024Chief Operation OfficerYoung YangSookmyung Women's University
2024Chair of Ethics CommitteeSuk Kyeong LeeThe Catholic University of Korea
2024Chair of Ilchun Molecular Medicine Award CommitteeJoing-il KimSeoul National University
2024President-ElectBong-Kiun KaangIBS
2024Chair of Publication CommitteeJeongsil HaSejong University
2024Chair of Research Awards CommitteeDo Sik MinYonsei University
2024Chair of Academic Affairs CommitteeHong-Duk YounSeoul National University
2024Chair of Public Affairs CommitteeEek-hoon JhoUniversity of Seoul
2024Chair of BMB Reports Publication CommitteeSoo Young ChoiHallym University
2022-2025Editor-in-Chief of BMB ReportsJung Hoon KangCheongju University
2024Chair of EMM Publication CommitteeJeong-Sun SeoSeoul National University
2022-2025Editor-in-Chief of EMMDae-Myung JueThe Catholic University of Korea
2024Chair of Medical CommitteeJunho ChungYonsei University
2024Chair of Policy CommitteeSayeon ChoChung-Ang University
2024PresidentHoJeong KwonYonsei University
2024Chief Executive OfficerYoung YangSookmyung Women's University
2024General ManagerKyung-Hee ChunYonsei University
2024General ManagerBae Kwang-HeeKRIBB
2024Finance ManagerYonghwan KimSookmyung Women's University
2024Finance ManagerEun Joo SongEwha Womans University
2024Science ManagerEun-Kyeong JoChungnam National University School of Medicine
2024Science ManagerMin Jae LeeSeoul National University
2024Science ManagerAra KohPohang University of Science and Technology
2024Science ManagerYoo-Wook KwonSeoul National University
2024Science ManagerJongmin KimSookmyung Women's University
2024Science ManagerHye-Young KimSeoul National University
2024Science ManagerHo Min KimKAIST
2024Science ManagerBoyoun ParkYonsei University
2024Science ManagerSung Bae LeeDGIST
2024Science ManagerEun-Woo LeeKRIBB
2024Science ManagerEunjin LeeKorea University
2024Science ManagerIn Hye LeeEwha Womans University
2024Science ManagerYoungmi JungPusan National University
2024Science ManagerWon-Suk ChungKAIST
2024Science ManagerInkyung JungKAIST
2024Science ManagerJaeHyung KooDGIST
2024Planning ManagerKyeong LeeDongguk University
2024Planning ManagerHyun Woo ParkYonsei University
2024Planning ManagerYoungdae GwonSungkyunkwan University
2024Planning ManagerYoung-Sam KeumDongguk University
2024Planning ManagerByungil KimKorea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)
2024Planning ManagerSang Tae KimBundang Hospital in SNU
2024Planning ManagerHak Kyun KimChung-Ang University
2024Planning ManagerKangseo ParkUniversity of Ulsan College of Medicine
2024Planning ManagerJeong Kyu BangKorea Basic Science Institute
2024Planning ManagerJae Myoung SuhKAIST
2024Planning ManagerDonghyuk ShinYonsei University
2024Planning ManagerG One AhnSeoul National University
2024Planning ManagerJiho YooChung-Ang University
2024Planning ManagerMinho LeeDongguk University
2024Planning ManagerByung Il LeeNational Cancer Center
2024Planning ManagerSukmook LeeKookmin University
2024Planning ManagerJune-Yong LeeYonsei University
2024Planning ManagerJi Hyun LeeThe Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine
2024Planning ManagerJae-Ho CheongYonsei University
2024Planning ManagerCho-Rok JungKRIBB
2024Planning ManagerMirim JinGachon University
2024Planning ManagerSeunghee HongYonsei University
2024Planning ManagerSoo Seok HwangSeoul National University
2024Policy ManagerTae-Young RohEwha Womans University
2024Policy ManagerHYUK WAN KOYonsei University
2024Policy ManagerJung-Hyun ShimMokpo national university
2024Policy ManagerYoosik YoonChung-Ang University
2024Policy ManagerSeung-Wook ChiKRIBB
2024Medical ManagerTae Jun ParkAjou University
2024International Relations ManagerTaekyung KimPOSTECH
2024International Relations ManagerJisook MoonCHA University
2024International Relations ManagerJungmin ChoiKorea University
2024Public Relations ManagerWoochul ChangPusan National University
2024Public Relations ManagerHyung-Sik KimPusan National University
2024Public Relations ManagerSeung-Yeol ParkPOSTECH
2024Public Relations ManagerHyo Jung KimWoosuk University
2024Public Relations ManagerChang-Kyu OhPusan National University
2024Public Relations ManagerKyung-Ha LeePusan National University
2024Public Relations ManagerJun-Seok LeeKorea University
2024Public Relations ManagerHunsang LeeKorea University
2024Public Relations ManagerMurim ChoiSeoul National University
2024Public Relations ManagerSeon-Young KimKRIBB
2024Public Relations ManagerDaehee HwangSeoul National University
2024Membership ManagerYou-Sun KimAjou University
2024Membership ManagerMin-Jung KangKIST
2024Membership ManagerWon-Kon KimKRIBB
2024Industry Academic ManagerSANG HYUN MINDGMIF
2024Industry Academic ManagerHaengran SeoInstitut Pasteur Korea
2024Industry Academic ManagerSeungtaek KimInstitut Pasteur Korea
2024Industry Academic ManagerJONG SEO LEEAbClon Inc.
2024Industry Academic ManagerHyun-Suk LimPohang University of Science and Technology
2024Industry Academic ManagerSang Jeon ChungSungkyunkwan University
2024Industry Academic ManagerHaiyoung JungKRIBB
2024Industry Academic ManagerHee Jun ChoKRIBB
2024Industry Academic ManagerBOKSIK CHADGMIF
2024Education ManagerHeon Yung GeeYonsei University
2024Education ManagerJae-Seok RoeYonsei University
2024Education ManagerJi Min LeeKAIST
2024Education ManagerYunJae JungGachon University's College of Medicine
2024Education ManagerJae-Hoon ChoiHanyang University
2024Education ManagerEun-Mi HurSeoul National University
2024Publication ManagerSeung-Soon ImKeimyung University's School of Medicine
2024Publication ManagerYonghyo KimKRICT
2024Publication ManagerJi Hae SeoKeimyung University
2024Publication ManagerSeung Hyun OhGachon University
2024Publication ManagerHaejin YoonUNIST
2024Publication ManagerJin Young HuhSogang University
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerJi-Young ChaGachon University
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerHye Jin KangYonsei University
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerHong-Yeoul RyuKyungpook National University
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerKyoung-Jin OhKRIBB
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerKyung Hyun RyuSookmyung Women's University
2024KSBMB NEWS Editorial ManagerDong Wook ChoiKorea University
2024EMM Publication ManagerDongsung LeeUniversity of Seoul
2024EMM Publication ManagerHyonchol JangNational Cancer Center
2024BMB Reports Publication ManagerKye Won ParkSungkyunkwan University
2024BMB Reports Editorial ManagerWoojin JeongEwha Womans University
2024Future Vision ManagerKitae HaPusan National University
2024Future Vision ManagerDongryeol RyuGIST
2024Future Vision ManagerKyeongJin KimInha University
2024Future Vision ManagerWantae KimChungnam National University
2024Future Vision ManagerYoon Ki KimKAIST
2024Future Vision ManagerTaeSoo KimEwha Womans University
2024Future Vision ManagerJeong-Seok NamGIST
2024Future Vision ManagerMinhee ParkKAIST
2024Future Vision ManagerJaemin LeeDGIST
2024Future Vision ManagerJung-Shin LeeKangwon National University
2024Future Vision ManagerJin Won HyunJeju National University

Contact Us

The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies 801, 22, 7Gil, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06130, South Korea

  • +82-2-508-7436
  • E-mail : ksbmb@ksbmb.or.kr
  • Fax : +82-2-508-7578
By Subway
  • Get off at Gangnam Station (Line No. 2), get out through Gate No. 12 and 10 minute walk toward Kukkiwon(국기원)

  • Get off at Yeoksam Station (Line No. 2), get out through Gate No. 4 and 5 minute walk toward Kukkiwon(국기원)

By Bus
  • Blue

    140. 144. 145. 146. 360. 400. 421. 402. 420. 470. 471

  • Green

    3412. 4412. 8541

  • Red

    1550. 1151. 1241. 1550-3. 1551. 1700. 2000-1. 3030. 5001. 3100. 5300


International Conferences

KSBMB International Conference 2024

  • Date : 2024.5.28-31
  • Location : BEXCO
  • Title : Driving REsearch InnovAtion in BioMedicine Together (DREAMER)

KSBMB International Conference 2023

  • Date : 2023. 5. 10-13
  • Location : BEXCO
  • Title : Better Tomorrow with Biomedical Science

KSBMB International Conference 2022

  • Date : 2022. 5. 23-26
  • Location : BEXCO
  • Title : Over the Pandemic: Academy, Technology & Industry

KSBMB International Conference 2021

  • Date : 2021. 5. 25-27
  • Location : BEXCO
  • Title : Life beyond the pandemic

KSBMB International eConference 2020

  • Date : 2020. 9. 21-23
  • Location : Online
  • Title : KSBMB: Knowledge & Science, the last Bastion of Mankind’s Battle

KSBMB International Conference 2019

  • Date : 2019. 6. 2-5
  • Location : ICC Jeju, Jeju Island
  • Title : Beyond 70 years of KSBMB in ISLAND: Integrative Science of Life And New Direction

24th IUBMB & 15th FAOBMB Congress

  • Date : 2018. 6. 4-8
  • Location : COEX, Seoul
  • Title : Integrating Science for Bio-Health Innovation

KSBMB International Conference 2017

  • Date : 2017. 5. 17-19
  • Location : BEXCO, Busan
  • Title : COOL [Cooperative One team for Life]

KSBMB International Conference 2016

  • Date : 2016. 5. 18-20
  • Location : COEX, Seoul
  • Title : New Challenges for Innovative Biosciences

KSBMB International Conference 2015

  • Date : 2015. 5. 12-14
  • Location : COEX, Seoul
  • Title : Future Marking from Multidimensional Biomedical Sciences to Diseases

2014 KSBMB Annual Meeting

  • Date : 2014. 5. 14-16
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom, Hall B2, Seoul
  • Title : Integrating the Basis of Human Disease and Its Application

2013 KSBMB Annual Meeting

  • Date : 2013. 5. 14-16
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom, Hall B2, Seoul
  • Title : Bridging Basic to Translational Research

2012 KSBMB Annual Meeting

  • Date : 2012. 5. 30-06.01
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom, Hall B, Seoul
  • Title : Expanding Frontiers in Biochemistry and Biomedicine

2011 KSBMB Annual Meeting

  • Date : 2011. 5. 16-18
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom, Hall B, Seoul
  • Title : Stepping into the Future of Biomedicine

2010 KSBMB Annual Meeting

  • Date : 2010. 5. 17-19
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom, Hall B2, Seoul
  • Title : Bioscience for the Better Life

Winter Workshop

The purpose of the workshop is to promote research consultation and collaboration by fostering the exchange of research interests and updated knowledge between researchers in Molecular Medicine.

The Winter Workshop is an academic workshop for all members of the Society in direct interaction with students as well as for principal investigators with full membership of the Society.

It has been held once a year in the winter since the 1st workshop in 2010.

2024 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2024. 1. 10-12
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2023 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2023. 1. 11-13
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2022 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2022. 1. 12-14
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2020 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2020. 1. 8-10
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2019 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2019. 1. 9-11
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2018 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2018. 1. 10-12
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2017 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2017. 1. 11-13
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2016 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2016. 1. 13-15
  • Location : VIVALDI PARK, Hongcheon, Gangwon-do

2015 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2015. 1. 14-16
  • Location : High1 Resort, Jeongsun, Gangwon-do

2014 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2014. 1. 15-17
  • Location : High1 Resort, Jeongsun, Gangwon-do

2013 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2013. 1. 16-18
  • Location : High1 Resort, Jeongsun, Gangwon-do

2012 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2012. 1. 11-13
  • Location : High1 Resort, Jeongsun, Gangwon-do

2011 Winter Workshop

  • Date : 2011.01. 12-14
  • Location : High1 Resort, Jeongsun, Gangwon-do

Sorak Conference

The purpose of the conference is to promote research consultation and collaborative research by identifying participants’ research interests and strengthening mutual relationships among principal investigators with full membership in the Society.

It has been held in June every year since the 1st conference in 1988.

2024 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2024. 6. 19-21
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Goseong, Gangwon-do

2023 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2023. 6. 21-23
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Goseong, Gangwon-do

2022 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2022. 6. 16-18
  • Location : Delpino Resort, Goseong, Gangwon-do

2021 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2021. 6. 17-19
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2020 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2020. 6. 18-20
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2019 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2019. 6. 17-19
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Samcheok, Gangwon-do

2018 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2018. 6. 20-22
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2017 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2017. 6. 22-24
  • Location : Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2016 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2016. 6. 23-25
  • Location : Deamyung Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2015 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2015. 6. 25-27
  • Location : Deamyung Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2014 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2014.06. 19-21
  • Location : Deamyung Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2013 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2013.06. 27-29
  • Location : Deamyung Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2012 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2012.06. 28-30
  • Location : Deamyung Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Yangyang, Gangwon-do

2011 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2011.06. 26-28
  • Location : Haevichi Hotel & Resorts, Seogwipo, Jeju

2010 Sorak Conference

  • Date : 2010.06. 27-29
  • Location : Haevichi Hotel & Resorts, Seogwipo, Jeju

Training Course

Introduction: The training course is provided under the leadership of the Board of Education with the aim of promoting biochemistry and molecular biology education. The training evaluation grade by the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences has been issued to clinicians as well as researchers and students participating in the biochemistry and molecular biology training course. The course has been held once in August or in September every year since the 1st training course in 1988.

2024 Training Course

  • Date : 2024. 8. 30
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Medical Unmet Need-driven Translational Research

2023 Training Course

  • Date : 2023. 8. 24-25
  • Location : Institute of Biomedical Industry Auditorium/Room 1002, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Trends and future of biotherapeutics/Successful commercialization strategy for biotherapeutics

2022 Training Course

  • Date : 2022. 8. 23
  • Location : Online
  • Title : Recent Advances in Microbiome Research and Therapeutics

2021 Training Course

  • Date : 2021. 8. 31
  • Location : Online
  • Title : The Emerging Role of Epitranscriptomics in Molecular Medicine

2020 Training Course

  • Date : 2020. 9. 18
  • Location : Online
  • Title : Trends in Molecular Imaging

2019 Training Course

  • Date : 2019. 8. 23
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Current Sequencing Technology and Its Application Engineering

2018 Training Course

  • Date : 2018. 8. 24
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Current Advances and Practical Applications of Genome Engineering

2017 Training Course

  • Date : 2017. 8. 26
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Trends in Molecular Cancer Research

2016 Training Course

  • Date : 2016. 8. 26
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
  • Title : Current Trends of Big Data Analysis in Molecular Medicine

2015 Training Course

  • Date : 2015. 9. 11
  • Location : Severance Hospital, Seoul
  • Title : Animal Experimental Techniques

2014 Training Course

  • Date : 2014. 08. 22
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
  • Title : Modern Techniques for Gene Expression Control: RNAi, micro RNA & Genome Editing

2013 Training Course

  • Date : 2013. 08. 30
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
  • Title : Title: Modern Concepts and Analytic Methods in Histology-Pathology

2012 Training Course

  • Date : 2012. 09. 14
  • Location : The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
  • Title : Current Concepts and Techniques in Cell Death Research

2011 Training Course

  • Date : 2011. 9. 2
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Title : Current Techniques for Metabolic Research

2010 Training Course

  • Date : 2010. 9. 3
  • Location : Maria Hall, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul
  • Title : Animal Experimental Technique

Bomun Symposium

The purpose of the conference is to exchange research ideas and to strengthen mutual relationships among researchers in life science. It has been held once from October to November every year since the 1st conference in 1997.

2024 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2024. 11. 7-8
  • Location : LOTTE HOTEL BUSAN

2023 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2023. 10. 25-27
  • Location : Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

2022 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2022. 10. 20-21
  • Location : Fairfield by Marriott Busan Songdo Beach, Busan

2021 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2021. 11. 11-12
  • Location : Ramada Hotel, Junju

2020 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2020. 11. 6
  • Location : Online (Youtube Live)

2019 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2019. 10. 31-11.1
  • Location : VENEZIA HOTEL&RESORT, Yeosu

2018 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2018. 11. 2-3
  • Location : The Ocean Resort, Yeosu

2017 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2017. 10. 26-27
  • Location : Susung Hotel, Daegu

2016 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2016. 10. 27-28
  • Location : Susung Hotel, Daegu

2015 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2015. 10. 29-30
  • Location : Nobotel Ambassador Daegu

2014 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2014. 10. 30-31
  • Location : Novotel Daegu City Center, Daegu

2013 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2013. 10. 31-11.01
  • Location : Haeundae, Busan

2012 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2012. 11. 8-9
  • Location : Paradise Hotel Busan, Busan

2011 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2011. 10. 20-21
  • Location : Paradise Hotel Busan, Busan

2010 Bomun Symposium

  • Date : 2010. 10. 21-22
  • Location : Paradise Hotel Busan, Busan

Korean Basic Medical Scientists

It is the General Academic Conference hosted by the Korean Association of Basic Medical Scientists. Participants include the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, the Korean Society for Microbiology, the Korean society of Virology, the Korean society for Legal Medicine, the Korean Society of Pathologists, the Korean Physiological Society, the Korean Society of Pharmacology, the Korean Society of Preventive Medicine, the Korean Society for the History of Medicine, the Korean Association of Anatomists, and the Medical Research Center.

2024 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2024. 6. 27-28
  • Location : Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus Space21

2023 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2023. 6. 29-30

2022 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2022. 6. 30-7. 1
  • Location : HICO, Gyeongju

2021 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2021. 6. 24-25
  • Location : Online

2019 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2019. 6. 28
  • Location : Chonbuk National University College of Medicine

2018 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2018. 6. 29
  • Location : Seoul National University College of Medicine

2017 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2017. 6. 30
  • Location : Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul

2016 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2016. 6. 24
  • Location : Yonsei University

2015 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2015. 5. 21-22
  • Location : Hwabaek International Convention Center (HICO), Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do

2014 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2014. 6. 27
  • Location : COEX E Hall, Seoul

2013 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2013. 4. 26
  • Location : Hanllym University, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do

2012 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2012. 4. 26-27
  • Location : The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul

2011 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2011. 5. 13-14
  • Location : Grand Hilton Seoul, Seoul

2010 Korean Basic Medical Scientists

  • Date : 2010. 5. 20-22
  • Location : National Museum of Korea, Seoul


For international academic exchange, the Society officially joined the Federation of Asia and Oceania Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) in 1973 and the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) in 1982. The Society promoted the globalization of Korean life sciences by inviting the 5th FAOB Congress to Seoul in 1989 and successfully hosted the IUBMB Seoul Conference with the theme of Molecular & Cellular Networks in 1999 as well as the FAOBMB Conference in Seoul in 2007. The 24th IUBMB & The 15th FAOBMB Congress was held in Seoul to provide opportunities for research-related exchanges between biochemistry and molecular biologists around the world and domestic researchers, contributing to the development of global biochemistry and molecular biology.

Social Activities

Public Lecture of Young Students

It was implemented as a beneficial program for the youth to enhance the understanding of the next generation in the latest life sciences developments and to present the importance and vision of the life sciences and technology, the Mecca of future industries of the 21st century, to the youth. The program is held during the period for international academic conferences and Science Exploration is the succeeding program.

Public Lecture of Young Students

2023 Global Next Generation Bio Camp

  • Date : 2023. 7. 20
  • Location : Online

2022 Global Next Generation Bio Camp

  • Date : 2022. 8. 5
  • Location : Online

2019 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2019. 6. 2
  • Location : ICC Jeju, Jeju

2018 Public Lecture

  • Date : 2018. 6. 6
  • Location : COEX, Seoul

2017 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2017. 5. 17
  • Location : BEXCO, Busan

2016 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2016. 5. 20
  • Location : COEX Conference Room 301, Seoul

2015 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2015. 5. 12
  • Location : COEX Conference Room 402, Seoul

2014 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2014. 5. 14
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom 103, Seoul

2013 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2013. 5. 15
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom 103, Seoul

2012 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2012. 5. 30
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom 103, Seoul

2011 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2011. 5. 16
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom 103, Seoul

2010 Public Lecture of Young Students

  • Date : 2010. 5. 17
  • Location : COEX Grand BallRoom 103, Seoul


  • Moosa Award

    Its mission is to commemorate late Professor Keun Bae Lee’s contribution to science by sponsoring and organizing the “Moosa Award Lecture” during the “KSBMB International Conference”, and to contribute to Korea’s scientific progress in biochemistry and its application. The Moosa committee is organized to elect 1 internationally renowned lecturer.

  • Donghun Award

    Donghun Award was founded in Oct 1997 in the honor of late Ki-Eok Park. It is given to the members who contributed to the progress in the field of biochemistry and its application through creative research works. Its mission is to empower those members and to contribute to Korea’s progress in life science. The winners are elected by the Donghun Committee from those members who produced distinguishing and creative research works in biochemistry that had contributed to the progress of Korean science. The prize money and other expenses are funded from DI Group’s budget.

  • Sasuk Award

    This award was enacted according to the professor Kyung-soo Hahm’s volition to congratulate young scientists who had achieved outstanding research works in the field of biochemistry and molecular medicine.

  • DI Award

    From 2010 to 2018, a regular member aged 55 years or older was awarded by selecting a member who made steady progress in biochemistry and molecular biology or related applications and whose accumulated research work overall contributed to an important academic contribution in one field.

  • Chungsan Award

    This award was enacted to commemorate Professor Bong Seop Shin’s outstanding contribution to the progress of the society and it is presented to scientists from both Korea and abroad who had achieved outstanding research works in the field of Molecular Medicine or who had contributed significantly to Experimental Molecular Medicine (EMM) Journal.

  • Macrogen Woman Scientist Award

    In order to empower and invigorate the research works by distinguished females in science and technology, this award was founded in May 2005. The award committee elects two female candidates among PhD holders who demonstrated excellent research works and of Korean citizen - by evaluating their research works, recommendations and resumes, after which the final winner is elected. This award is funded by Macrogen Inc. sponsorship.

  • BMB Reports Award & EMM Award

    - Most Citation Paper Award: In the last two years, a paper published in the Journal of the Society will be presented to three of the highest corresponding authors when quoted in other SCI (E) -registered journals.
    - Achievement Award of paper : This award encouraged the citation of the Journal (EMM and BMB Reports) published by our society in SCI paper published annually as corresponding authors, and will not be implemented from 2019.
    - Most Number of Paper Award: This award has been implemented by selecting three or more corresponding authors who have been published in the Journal (EMM and BMB Reports) issued by our society every year, and will not be implemented from 2018.

  • Young Scientist Award & New Drug Research Award

    The Young Scientist Award from 2008 to 2015 and the New Drug Research Award from 2012 to 2015 were implemented to encourage and boost morale of outstanding students in the field of life sciences, producing a total of 20 winners.


  • ‘BMB Reports’ is an international academic journal listed in SCIE in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. As Asia’s 1st academic journal in report format, articles are available in open access form online immediately upon final approval for readers to quickly access the latest research. In addition, the review for publication is conducted rapidly and the 1st decision is usually sent to the authors within 3 weeks from the submission of a paper. It is issued every month and the Impact Factor of the BMB Reports recently increased sharply.

    Go! BMB Reports
  • As the country’s 1st academic journal of life science, Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) is the best journal for clinically oriented translational research and molecular medicine in Korea. The 1st edition was issued under the title of The Korean Journal of Biochemistry in 1964. It was previously issued in a Korean-Chinese-English mixed edition, but an English edition only has been issued since 1975. It was renamed the Experimental & Molecular Medicine (EMM) and was the 1st Korean journal to exceed 2.0 in the Journal Citation Reports® Impact Factor. EMM is an international journal aiming to contribute to the goal of advancing Korea as the hub of life science in the Asia-Pacific region. EMM delivers the latest trends in clinically oriented translational research and molecular medicine to readers. In addition, EMM provides good quality research by selecting and publishing high class papers through an efficient submission process and rigorous reviews. The publication has been directed by Nature Publishing Group (NPG), an International publisher of journals, since 2013. EMM provided papers online and in print until 2012; it has been online-only since 2013.

    Go! EMM

KSBMB Webzine

As an e-magazine published by the Society, KSBMB Webzine is issued every 3 months and distributed to members via e-mails. KSBMB Webzine introduces the latest research and promotes the exchange of information in biochemistry and molecular biology. It also delivers a variety of news on the Society and members.


  • Experiments in Biochemistry

    "Experiments in Biochemistry" books published by the Society are biochemistry practice books. The first edition was issued in 1965 to be used for biochemistry, clinical biochemistry and molecular biology courses. Since the 1st edition was issued, the book has undergone several rounds of revisions to incorporate the remarkable developments in biochemistry, clinical biochemistry and molecular biology. The current issue is the 5th edition.

  • Member List

    The aim is to facilitate research networks among members by putting together contact information for members who agree to the disclosure. It is used as a resource for research promotion projects by the government and related businesses. The History of the Society, the Articles of Society, and the list of directors before and after the integration are included. The list is issued every five years.


  • Become a Member

    Thank you for your interest in membership in the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (KSBMB). We invite people in biochemistry and molecular biology including biomedical researchers, research administrators, advocates, students, and others who share KSBMB's commitment and vision and support our mission.

  • Benefits of KSBMB Membership

    Members of KSBMB join forces of more than 15,000 scientists from around the world to exchange of timely scientific information. Furthermore, members have many benefits of the membership, including substantially reduced fees for conference registrations and excellent opportunities to foster important relationships and collaborations with international scientists.

Annual Fee of Membership Application for membership may be submitted at any time during the year. The categories of membership and annual fee are as follows.

Classification of Membership Annual Fee (Won) Eligibility
Regular ₩ 80,000 Professional who has the degree of doctor.
Student ₩ 20,000 Student enrolled in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or related courses in undergraduate and graduate schools.
Council Member ₩ 160,000 Member who has been opted by bylaws of KSBMB
Director ₩ 180,000 Member who has been elected by bylaws of KSBMB
Organization ₩ 100,000 Organization related with science or library.
Note Annual fees of Council member and Director include annual fee of Regular.

Payment Methods

    Credit Card

  • VISA, Master are only accepted. Transaction is only available by online home page.

    Bank Transfer

Bank Name Suhyup Bank 수협
Bank Account 1010-1183-5778
Bank Address Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies 1F, 22, Teheran-ro 7gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06130, South Korea
Beneficiary KSBMB (사법) 생화학분자생물학회

* Annual fee should be transferred by the member’s name.

Ask About Membership